Good Neuws

Our junk can become your junk!

Welcome to the Neutral Ground News Junk Store where we sell shirts, stickers, mugs, posters, and whatever other doodads we can scrounge together from our closets, desks, cars, and trash cans related to our published articles or random, weird ideas we conceive in dark back alleys.

And because you decided to browse our junk and you're usually a swell person other than what you did in the car on the way home yesterday while stuck in traffic, enter the code ikoiko504 at checkout to get 5% off.

About NGN

Neutral Ground NewsΒ 
is an online satirical news, parody, and entertainment publication that focuses primarily on the people, places, and things in the city of New Orleans and surrounding areas.

We report heavily biased and agenda-based news while selling junk merchandise that is targeted toward an immature audience. None of it is intended for readers under 18 years of age or those who are dead on the inside.

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